Month: June 2020

Black Lives Matter

As an educator in Community & Economic Development I stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in denouncing systemic racism and white supremacy.  

The history of community and economic development is rife with examples of policies and programs that have inflicted economic violence against black, indigenous and people of color for many generations.  It is important that we all not only understand the history of these injustices but work diligently to identify and disassemble unjust systems.  

In my research, community outreach, and engagement I commit to working towards a more just and equitable society.   This will be an ongoing, self-reflective process to examine how I can contribute to inclusivity and tolerance in everything I do.  Specifically, in my personal and professional life I will: engage in challenging conversations about race, class, power, and privilege; amplify the voices and stories of those who have been left out of the discussion including making space for true listening; evaluate ways that I or my professional programming support structural racism;  learn the history of the land grant system, Cooperative Extension, Community Development and Economic Development and ways in which these institutions and professions have supported structural racism; and identify and take positive actions to support justice, equity, accountability, and transparency.

I will act with thoughtfulness and intent, and learn from missteps. We can do better. We must do better.  I welcome your thoughts and suggestions, which you can send to